
Definitions: (1) a person who hears what is said with careful interest; a good listener; (2) characterized by thoughtful regard or focus; mindful; observant; (3) heedful of the comfort of others; courteous; polite Synonyms: intent, watchful Compatible Qualities: curiosity, stick-to-itive Parental Quality: conscious Familial Qualities: alert, awake, aware, concentration, focus, motivated Consequential Quality: fair Sayings:• … Read more


Definitions: (1) appealing to a natural interest; exciting one’s emotional or aesthetic sense; (2) arousing interest or pleasure; alluring; charming; inviting Synonyms: engaging, fascinating, winning Too Far: egotistical Quote: If you focus more on the inside, you’ll feel just as great about the outside. I feel attractive when I’m doing good and helping people. — … Read more


Definition: insightful and penetrating; keen and discerning; exhibiting combined shrewdness, perspicacity, and diplomacy Derivation: Latin, “crafty” Synonyms: critical, discerning, sagacious, subtle Consequential Qualities: artful, tactful Quote: When you have an elephant by the hind legs and it is trying to run away, it is best to let it run. — Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) 16th President … Read more


Definition: overwhelming with wonder; shocking Quote: If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. — Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) American Inventor


Definitions: (1) self-satisfied; self-possessed; bold; (2) convinced of the certainty or truth of a matter; confident; authoritative Derivation: Latin, “toward security”Note: The original Latin indicates there is always a bit of uncertainty in most certainties. Quote: Be assured that if you knew all, you would pardon all. — Thomas à Kempis (1380–1471) Author of The … Read more


Definition: wonderfully surprising; amazing Quotes:• All that we don’t know is astonishing. Even more astonishing is what passes for knowing. — Philip Milton Roth (1933-2018) American novelist • Isn’t it astonishing that all these secrets have been preserved for so many years just so we could discover them! — Orville Wright (1871-1912) American Aviationist


Definitions: (1) to aim, long, or seek ambitiously <especially for something great or of high value>; (2) ascending; soaring Derivation: Latin, “ to breathe” Quote: Heaven and God are not high above us – far away; they are deep within us. Seekers of the eternal Truth will realize [it is] within their aspiring hearts. — Chinmoy … Read more


Definitions: (1) stating positively; affirming; declaring with assurance; (2) bold; confident; (3) demonstrating the existence of <asserting his rights> Synonyms: aggressive, aver, avow Balancing Qualities: Gentleness, Understanding  Too Far: intrusive, obnoxious, rude Quote: To suppose more than one supreme Source of infinite wisdom, power, and all perfections, is to assert that there is no supreme … Read more


Definitions: (1) performed with constant attention; persevering; industrious; (2) constant in application; diligent; devoted; persistent Synonyms: sedulous, unremitting, zealous Quote: The first key to wisdom is assiduous and frequent questioning. — Peter Abelard (1709-1142) French philosopher


Definitions: (1) done skillfully; aesthetically satisfying; (2) appreciative of art and beauty; sensitive to the arts People Who Exemplify This Quality: Henri Matisse (1869-1954) French Artist Saying: Ars longa, vita brevis (Latin): “Art is long, life is short.” Quotes:• Art is the demonstration that the ordinary is extraordinary. — Amedee Ozenfant (1866-1966) French Cubist Painter … Read more