
Definitions: (1) treating another with tenderness and affection; (2) taking care of, fostering, or nurturing a loved one; (3)holding dear; valued highly; appreciated; (4) holding in the mind <cherish the memory>; to cling to <cherish the principles of virtue>; encouraging Familial Qualities: maternal, paternal Quote: Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We … Read more


Definitions: (1) extremely pleasing or delightful; entrancing; (2) to satisfy, soothe, or delight by compelling attraction; that which delights the heart; (3) the power to gain and hold affection; a fascinating or alluring quality; agreeably irresistible; enchanting; (4) to subdue or appease <especially by that which entertains and fascinates the mind> Balancing Qualities: Genuine, Honest, … Read more


Definitions: (1) pure in thought and act; innocent; virtuous; (2) clean and modest; immaculate; (3) free from obscenity; incorrupt; spotless Synonyms: modest, simple, unaffected, uncontaminated, undefiled Symbols: 1) the swan; 2) the unicorn Fictional Figure: Britomart, a “Lady Knight,” personified chastity and carried an irresistible magic spear. — Edmund Spenser (1552-1599) English Poet, The Faërie QueeneSee also: Virginal Legendary Figure: Sir Galahad was one of King Arthur’s knights, and the son of … Read more


Definitions: (1) the disposition of heart inclining people to think favorably of their fellows and to do them good; (2) prone to good will, benevolence, or affection; (3) liberal in judgment of others Synonyms: benign, forgiving, generous, indulgent, lenient; loving Quote: Sweeter than the perfume of roses is a reputation for a kind, charitable, unselfish nature; a ready disposition to do … Read more


Definitions: (1) extremely pleasing or delightful; entrancing; (2) to satisfy, soothe, or delight by compelling attraction; that which delights the heart; (3) the power to gain and hold affection; a fascinating or alluring quality; agreeably irresistible; enchanting; (4) to subdue or appease <especially by that which entertains and fascinates the mind> Balancing Qualities: Genuine, Honest, … Read more


Definitions: (1) an extraordinary power for leadership and the ability to inspire veneration; (2) a personal magnetism facilitating the ability to attract or influence others Derivation: Greek, “favor, grace” Quote: If you listen you will double your charisma. — David Niven (1910-1983) British Actor and Novelist


Definition: subject to variation or alteration in form, state, quality, or essence; transformative Synonyms: innovation, labile, modification, mutation, novelty, revolution, transition, transmutationSee also: Stress Hardy Balancing Qualities: Playful, Restful, Worshipful    Sayings:• Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis (Latin): “All things are changing and we are changing with them.”• Plus ça change, plus c’est le … Read more


Definitions: (1) an individual pattern of behavior or personality; (2) an essential quality; nature; kind or sort; (3) a distinctive trait, quality, or attribute; (4) moral constitution or strength; self-discipline, fortitude, or integrity; (5) a person conspicuously different and unique from others Synonyms: cast, disposition, repute, temperament, type People Who Exemplify This Quality:• Elvis Aaron Presley (1935-1977) American Singer• Wladziu Valentino Liberace (1919-1987) American Pianist and Entertainer … Read more


Definitions: (1) existing in fact and truth; something definite and correct; (2) assured in mind or action; absolutely confident; convincing; (3) reliable; dependable Synonyms: incontrovertible, indisputable, indubitable, undeniable, undoubted, unerring, unfailing, unquestionable Balancing Quality: open-mindedNote: It is said ADOLPH HITLER (1885-1945) German Fuhrer, had more than one thousand books in his private library, but he hadn’t read even one of them because his mind was … Read more


Definition: appealing to or conceived by the higher intellect <including sublime emotions, inspired imaginings, and pure logic> Compatible Qualities: humorous, musical, playfulNote: In 1926 GRAHAM WALLAS (1858-1932) English psychologist, described the four stages of creative thought as preparation, incubation, illumination, and verification. The incubation stage is often aided by walking away from the problem and doing something entirely different – … Read more