Definitions: (1) Able to comprehend all deep and diverse reality; all-knowing; prescient; (2) Capable of beholding everything; (3) Able to see from every perspective all at once, omnispective; (4) Able to hear all needs and respond to all thoughts; (5) Possessing an infinite mind; intelligent; logical; rational; incisive; (6) Aware of all things and able to synthesize them into a cohesive whole; cognizant; (7) Having a complete and coherent perspective of everything; omnipercipient.; (8) Easily inventing new options and new realities; ingenious; (9) Able to comprehend all incongruities and harmonize them; (10) Able to commune with every person in the universe; perspicacious
Synonyms: all-seeing, farsighted, foresighted, insightful, observant, watchful
Comment: We tend to think of intelligence in terms of human abilities. The smartest of us can hold several ideas at a time, can parse several lines of thought, and can do quick intuitive calculations. But we are like a single point compared to God. Everything has its existence in God. If God, for a split second, was not conscious of something (even a single atom) it would cease to exist. How much more precious is a single soul? We can feel blessed and secure knowing God is always looking out for us.