HEAVEN BOUND – Conversations with an Angel by JAMES PRESTON DOWNS

•      All the way to heaven is heaven. — Saint Catherine of Sienna (1347-1380)

•      Evil must be left behind in this world, but virtue follows the soul to heaven. — Hindu

•      The evolving soul is not made divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do. (48:7.24)
        —   The Urantia Book {1955}

Copyright © 2009 – 2024 Minnesota/Colorado USA

Family members:
Dermod Sheehan                    1882 — 1972             Maternal Grandfather
Annie Curren Sheehan            1882 — 1929             Maternal Grandmother
Joseph Philip Downs               1882 — 1919             Paternal Grandfather
Elizabeth Greenwall Downs     1886 — 1979             Paternal Grandmother
Father Shawn Sheehan            1912 — 1990             Uncle
John Preston Downs                1913 — 2004             Father
Eileen Sheehan Downs            1915 — 2002             Mother
Jimmy Sheehan                        1920 — 2002             Uncle
Eileen Downs-Jacobs               1942 — 2010             Older Sister
Jenny Tasker                             1943 — 1971             Wife
John Philip Downs                   1944 — 1973              Oldest Brother
Joseph Dermod Downs           1946 — 2010              Older Brother
Mary Elizabeth Borodich         1951 — 2015              Younger Sister
Shawn Downs                          1953 — 2005              Younger Brother
Shannon Moriarity                   1967 — 1971              Niece

• Particular appreciation to Judith Mary Kain whose editing, linguistic, and content counsel was truly invaluable. Our in-depth discussions were critical and essential. Thank you for your insights.
• I am grateful (and, I’m sure, the reader too) to Katherine Solomon for the many hours she put into making the sentence structure, syntax, and style readable.

• Heartfelt gratitude for the members of the following:
     ◦ Dr. Jill Strunk and the Minnetonka Study Group
     ◦ Dr. Chris Halvorson and the New Horizons Study Group
     ◦ Mr. Mo Siegel and the Boulder Study Group
     ◦ Mr. Merritt Horn and the Gunbarrel Study Group

Special thanks to:
     ◦ Robert Kalk for general support
     ◦ Maggie Pizzuti for her editing advice
     ◦ Michael Hanna for important factual critiquing
     ◦ Terry Degner for his edit recommendations and encouragement
     ◦ Kevin Kain for being interested thus giving me the impetus to move forward
     ◦ Allegentia and Aarowyn for their inestimable inspiration and mind-leading direction

This book addresses some of the questions about life, begun here on Earth and continued in heaven. An angel, a Seraphic Transport, who is bringing souls from Earth to heaven is the central character. The platform for discussion is a series of imaginary conversations some time after physical death but before re-personalization in heaven. However, please be aware, the author does not personally believe we are conscious again until we are revived on the other side. Yet, if an angelic messenger could wake you up during this between-time and dispense accurate information on the future, the nature of God, reality, or any other important piece of intelligence, wouldn’t you wish to ask a few probing questions? What do you think you would ask? Our protagonist provides some general information in her initial monologue to the entire complement of souls she has with her, and then answers specific questions from thirty-six individuals (each a separate chapter).
     We know what we will be leaving behind, but what lies ahead? Humans have invented many alternatives; therefore we will have to reconcile the differences between our expectations and what the real story turns out to be. Some (or much) of what is presented here is unlikely to match with your assumptions; consequently, I have addressed single ideas simply and separately in the dialogues. A question arising in your mind in an early chapter (especially the angel’s opening remarks) should find some clarification in one of the subsequent chapters.
     Physical death is but a snapshot in this interesting universe. All of our conjecture about the survival question will be put to rest in the best possible way – by personal experience once we get there. And yet, what we determine in this life to be the truth about these practical, moral, ethical, and spiritual questions does influence how we live today.

• Heaven is a real place.
• God wants all of his children to go to heaven.
• We will continue to grow and learn after death.
• Nothing of value, actual or potential, is ever lost.
• We will wake up and know ourselves as ourselves.
• How the universe is set up is a direct reflection of who set it up. God is love.
• Angels and friends will give us all the help we need to adapt to our new situation.