
Definitions: (1) emphasizes dispatch or economy in an activity or work; purposeful operation; (2) efficient yet rapid action Synonyms: fleetness, quickness, swiftness, velocity Motto: Certainty, Security, and Celerity — The United States Postal Service


Definitions: (1) composed and poised; in control of the mind and emotions; (2) placed or fixed at or around an axis; focused; (3) gathering together; concentrating; (4) holding a moderate or central position; (4) in a place of tranquil quiescence; stationary and still Quotes:• A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in … Read more


Definition: known for positive behavior; spoken of with high regard; renowned See also: Distinguished Quote: The God who existed before any religion counts on you to make the oneness of the human family known and celebrated. — Desmond Tutu (1931-2021) South African Anglican bishop and theologian


Definitions: (1) using great care or prudence; wary; watchful; (2) forethoughtfully discreet  Synonyms: circumspect, judicious Too Far: Timidity is caution tinged with shyness and self-doubt. Visualization: Picture a wasp landing on a thistle. Talk about the epitome of caution, and yet the wasp does it with such ease. Comments:• Doubt is sometimes part of fear and sometimes part of caution. Take a look … Read more


Definitions: (1) having thought or regard for; concerned; (2) feeling love or liking for; (3) to take charge of; to look after; to provide for Parental Qualities: giving, kind Quote: Without a sense of caring, there can be no sense of community. — Anthony J. D’Angelo (1975-) Educational entrepreneur


Definitions: (1) informal, natural; (2) showing little concern; nonchalant Too Far: capricious Quote: A human being becomes human not through the casual convergence of certain biological conditions, but through an act of will and love on the part of other people. — Italo Giovanni Calvino (1923-1985) Italian writer


Definition: free from anxiety, concern, or worry; trouble-freeSee also: No Worries Comment: Enjoy those carefree episodes in your life. Keep them alive in your imaginative memory. They will sustain you during the difficult times (as long as you do not feel sorry or sad that those good times will never come again.) Color: orange Symbol: a bird (American Indian)


Definitions: (1) dealt with thoughtfully; (2) showing cautious concern; (3) accurately or thoroughly done or made; painstaking; (4) solicitously mindful Synonyms: attentive, heedful, prudent, wary, watchful Quote: Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. — … Read more


Definitions: (1) the most important; chief; principal; notable; (2) very good; excellent; first-class; (3) any thing that confers value or benefit to its owner Quote: The accumulation of cultural capital – the acquisition of knowledge – is the key to social mobility. — Michael Gove (1967-) British Politician


Definitions: (1) able to effect intense attraction <as by beauty or some other charming positive quality>; enthralling; (2) holding full attention; fascinating Synonyms: bewitching, enchanting, entrancing Quote: Eloquence, at its highest pitch, leaves little room for reason or reflection, but addresses itself entirely to the desires and affections, captivating the willing hearers, and subduing their understanding. ― David Hume … Read more