
Definitions: (1) possessing physical or mental attributes required for performance or accomplishment; intelligent; (2) able to understand or to receive into the mind; a capacious mind Synonyms: adequate, clever, competent, efficient, gifted, qualified, skillful, suitable Quote: If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your … Read more


Definitions: (1) the maximum ability or power of a person to do, experience, or understand something; (2) the current level a person should be expected to accomplish; (3) within the real of possibilities or feasibilities Comment: A person’s capacity is always changing. A child may have an aptitude to be a musical genius but must … Read more


Definitions: (1) experienced; expert; (2) having a quiet and gentle disposition; (3) easy; comfortable; (4) cautious; prudent; wary; watchful; careful; (5) skilled <in magic or some supernatural power>; (6) clever, shrewd; (7) thinking quickly; acting with measured response Balancing Qualities: Friendly, Honest, Wise Compatible Qualities: cagey, cerebral, cunning Quote: The insights given by a great professor are a privilege to receive. To be a teacher, by contrast, calls … Read more


Definitions: (1) sincerely honest; open; frank; (2) disposed to think without prejudice; free from bias; impartial Derivation: Sanskrit, “it shines”; Latin, “bright”; Welsh, “white” Balancing Quality: Tactful Comment: A child take things at face value. They are naturally candid. An adult who takes things at face value can often be gullible.


Definitions: (1) the ability to see what is coming and act accordingly; practical foresight; (2) clever; cunning; shrewd, wary Balancing Qualities: Diplomatic, Sensitive, Thoughtful Comment: Always plan to tell the truth. Nonetheless, being tactful about how much you should expose is only wise. “No comment,” “I don’t know,” “That is not for me to say,” … Read more


Definitions: (1) free from agitation, excitement, or disturbance <a calm demeanor>; at rest; (2) in possession of a quiet psyche; tranquil; serene; peaceful, placid Saying: Aequam servare mentem (Latin): “preserve a calm mind” Quote: True love is not a strong, fiery, impetuous passion. It is, on the contrary, an element calm and deep. It looks beyond mere externals, and … Read more


Definition: expressing joy, delight, or exultation in an irrepressible manner; effervescent; enthusiastic Quote: Laughter is a bubbly, effervescent form of holiness — Anne Lamott (1954-) American writer


Definitions: (1) encouraging or invigorating the spirit of the people around you; (2) showing a cheerful or lighthearted outlook; (3) the ability to recover quickly from depression or discouragement; resilient Derivation: Spanish; “to float” Synonyms: hopeful, joyous, lively, spirited, sprightly, vivacious Balancing Qualities: Down-to-earth, Observant Symbol: a boat


Definitions: (1) tolerant of various views; liberal; (2) inclined to tolerate, or even condone, departures from conventional behavior Quote: Be kind. It’s worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them. If you allow yourself to be somewhat curious – and if you … Read more


Definitions: (1) like or befitting a sibling; affectionate; kind; (2) having a good relationship with or among men; fraternal; loyal Familial Quality: sisterly Comment: “The brotherhood of man” denotes all people but may not sound like it to our modern ears. I am aware of the problem with our language, i.e., “We are all sons … Read more