
Definitions: (1) shining in attitude, demeanor, or spirit; (2) radiant with happiness or good fortune; (3) cheerful and lively; pleasant; (4) giving promise of prosperity; favorable; auspicious <a bright outlook>; (5) having a sparkling personality; resplendent with charms; animated; (6) displaying an active, clever, or intelligent mind; discerning; keen-witted; quick-witted

Derivation: Sanskrit, “to shine”

Synonyms: brilliant, clear, gleaming, glittering, limpid, luminous, lustrous, pellucid, radiant, resplendent, sunny, witty

Quote: Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world. ― George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) Irish Playwright

Color: yellow

Mythological Figure: Aglaia is one of the three Graces of Greek mythology, the Grace of Brilliance.
See also: Joyful and Comical